Key Card Envelope Generic


SKU No. YT-KeyEnv-2
Description Key Card Envelope Generic
Case Pack 500 Pcs / Box
Price US$  0.08 / Pc
SKU: YT-KeyEnv-2 Category:


A key card envelope Generic is a small, foldable envelope that is used to hold a key card, which is a type of keyless entry system commonly used in hotels, motels, and other similar establishments. The key card envelope is typically made of paper or a similar material, and it is designed to protect the key card from being damaged or lost. The envelope is usually printed with the name and logo of the establishment, and it may also include information about the room number, check-in and check-out dates, and other relevant information.

A generic key card envelope is an envelope that is not specifically branded or customized for a particular establishment, but rather is designed to be used in a variety of different settings. These envelopes are often sold in bulk and are used by hotels, motels, and other establishments that need to provide key cards to their guests, but do not want to spend the time and money to create custom envelopes.

SKU No. YT-KeyEnv-2
Description Key Card Envelope Generic
Case Pack 500 Pcs / Box
Price US$  0.08 / Pc


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